Merging Anthropology, Data & AI:

A new approach to understanding and affecting human behaviour through data and deep insights. Superpowered and human-driven.

We improve decision making by providing a data fueled overview of markets and opinions - and deep insights into motivations, behaviour, and opportunities.

Latest news and cases


Exploring  the reading culture of children and young people

We gathered valuable insights from 170 children and young people across Denmark to assist the Ministry of Culture and Bogpanelet in understanding the reading habits and interests of the younger generation.

Read the case study


Introducing kidnographers to improve relevance among young people

Rethinking segmentation of younger people and improving relevance in relation to creative development, media and relations.

Read the case study


Creating Denmark's new Museum of Inner and Outer Landscapes

Turning the everyday life of humans from 10.000 years ago into an international museum attraction and a local powerhouse.

Read the case study


Merging mobility data, anthropology, and AI to understand commuter behaviour

Providing DSB with a deeper understanding of changes among commuters and insights on how to address the target group in a period of change.

Read the case study


Utilising AI and Anthropology to obtain a better understanding new market opportunities

By utilising AI-driven semantic analysis and our Mobile-Ethnography platform, we derived 250+ qualitative input from a UK-target group in record time and transformed the input into tangible insights and strategic recommendations.

Read the case study


Introducing AI-enhanced anthropology to audience building in European film

We have helped 20+ international film projects in the Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark.

The PUBLIKUM platform has been presented at international film festivals like Cannes, San Sebastian, Berlin, Copenhagen and Sitges.

Read more about PUBLIKUM


Understanding and selling happiness across nine markets

Improving presence, conversions and sales  through a deeper understanding of national differences in beauty and happiness.

Read the case study


"When ALK launched a new global growth strategy and a major turnaround in 2018-20, we needed a strong value proposition that could help us obtain the position we were striving for in the allergy category. By involving doctors, patients, investors, and our C-suite through a series of interviews, focus groups and workshops, Will & Agency was instrumental in the definition of a strong value proposition that excellently unites internal as well as external needs."

Jeppe Ilkjær, Director and Global Head of Media, ALK Abelló


"The fans are at the centre of the national teams and DBU, and we are constantly working to understand how we can strengthen the relationship with them. Will & Agency has helped us obtain a better understanding about both needs and barriers and has helped set a clear direction for our work with fans in DBU and around the national teams."

Jakob Høyer, Head of Communication, DBU / Danish Football Association


"We have been very pleased with the collaboration with Will & Agency on our anthropological project concerning children and young people. The process was run very rigorously, the professionalism was top notch, and the project has provided us with valuable knowledge for our work with developing relevant content for precisely these target groups."

Malene Birkebæk, Managing Editor, DR Ung / Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Youth


"We have a very special relationship with our members, and we want to obtain a direct understanding of them and their needs. It can be extremely complex to produce meaningful insights, and not just overall considerations based on personas, but Will & Agency has helped us by providing us with a deeper understanding of our members and the role we play in their lives - across all nine markets. The project with Will & Agency has resulted in a greater clarity and improved relevance and has, among other things, contributed to clearer communication and a significant increased conversion in the markets because of the implementation of the new insights."

Nikolaj Leonhard-Hjort, Co-Founder and CMO, Goodiebox


"Will and Agency helped us develop the overall concept for our new and innovative museum. Will & Agency are, through sharp analysis and deep insights into behaviour, very skilled in challenging the ideas we as professionals have about messaging, the needs of guests and the overall museum experience. In short, they provide relevance and attractiveness in a highly recommended package."

Peter Thor Andersen, Head of museum, Øhavsmuseet

Our services



We apply our AI-driven semantic analysis to produce an overview of any given market, brand, subject, or target group. Through the analysis and comparison of vast amounts of social and media data, we visualise and explain relevant patterns and insights.

See our software


Anthropological research

Our experienced anthropologists apply a series of different qualitative methods and techniques to obtain a deep understanding of human behaviour. We cover the spectrum from traditional observation, focus groups and interview techniques – to data-driven research design.


Mobile Ethnography

In settings where direct and frequent contact is complicated, or when there is a need for a more confidential or private space, we use our mobile ethnography platform to perform qualitative research or activate users in a design process.

See our software


Behavioural data and journey mapping

We translate unstructured data, patterns, and relevant insights into tangible user journeys that help you map and understand human behaviour, barriers, and opportunities. Sometimes data comes from tracking the movement of thousands of mobile phones, other times from geodatabases, point of sale systemss, check- in registrations, etc.


Service and concept design

We design services and concepts that address real needs and pains, and we help you plan for development and implementation through design thinking principles.

Our software platforms

AI-powered semantic analysis

Providing an overview with our ThemeCrawler

In collaboration with techno-anthropologists from TANT-LAB at Aalborg University, we have designed and developed the ThemeCrawler, our innovative AI-software, that supports anthropologists and researchers in obtaining an overview of complex semantic data in any given market, setting, or situation. We analyse data from open digital sources across the globe, and the software provides our researchers with a faster overview and the best possible outset for deeper investigation.

Request a demo here

Mobile Ethnography Research Platform

A safe environment for understanding and sharing

Based on input from experienced researchers, we have designed and developed a secure mobile ethnography-platform, that utilises the mobile phones to build a confidential room for in- depth research, interviews, and creative assignments. The platform enables us to connect with a large group of people in a controlled and protected setting. The platform is developed according to European GDPR-rules and hosted within the EU with a strong focus on ethical handling of personal data.

Request a demo here

If you are curious about our unique approach to audience research and filmmaking, you are welcome to visit our latest news and cases and our PUBLIKUM-platform


Gammel Kongevej 3E, 1. floor, 1610 Copenhagen V, Denmark

Danske Bank 3409 Kontonr. 12569351
CVR: 39391791

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